Symposium that considered the effects and legacy of the wartime (1940s) removal of iron railings from parks and gardens, opening a discussion about public space and accessibility in Bloomsbury and beyond.
Agoraphobia: Railings and Public Space (2013)
Senate House, London, October 2013.
Commissioned by:
Camden Council + Centre for Creative Collaboration (C4CC) University of London.
Symposium preceded by a specially-commissioned street performance to explore the interface between movement, sound and the built environment.
Anna Minton - Writer & Journalist; author of ‘Ground Control, Fear and happiness in the twenty-first century city’
Dr. Matthew Ingleby – Lecturer / UCL
Zaynab Dena Ziari – Architect & Writer / Architectural Association
Laurence Bain – Architect / CAB - Campaign Against Bollards
Catalina Pollak Williamson - Public Interventions
Tom Snow – Researcher UCL (Chair)
Pepa Ubera and Francisca Rivas in collaboration with TripSpace.
Anne-Gaëlle Thiriot, Fernanda Muñoz, Petra Soor, Thomas Goodwin, Rosalie Wahlfrid, Borja Sagasti, Laura Doehler, Francisca Rivas, Sebastian Concha, Luis Aros, Ana Luz Ormazábal, Pepa Ubera
Street Choreography
Eleven dancers playing the Phantom Railings in Malet Street Gardens. A choreography designed by Pepa Ubera and Francisca Rivas.
Anna Minton
Anna Minton´s presentation where she discusses topics raised in her book ´Ground Control: fear and happiness in the twenty-first century city´.
Catalina Pollak
Catalina Pollak’s presentation on Phantom Railings.